AZBAA is proud to offer business aviation scholarships in both spring and fall. Applicants must be 18 and older, legal Arizona residents, and pursuing a career in business aviation. Scholarship funds are paid directly to the student’s educational institution or training program, and can pay for tuition, flight ratings, recurring training, including the NBAA Professional Development Program, CAM Certification or other professional certification, etc. Please complete the online application requirements below to be considered for the scholarship.
AZBAA Fall  2019 scholarships are available to both students and professionals desiring to take classes or recurrent training in any area of business aviation.  All applicants must be 18 years of age or older, legal Arizona resident, a United States citizen, and have a focus on the business aviation industry.  In order to be eligible for a scholarship award, please complete all portions of the application process.

February 14, 2024

College Tuition

Specific Locations