Magnetic Heading

Instrument Training- 6 pack

By |2020-11-10T22:24:17-05:00November 30th, 2017|Cheat Sheets, Flight Preparation, General Aviation, Regulations|

As I'm now starting my Instrument training, I'm summarizing information from the ground book for each of the chapters to help myself take in the information better visually. Plus you can use this cheat sheet during pre-flight to make sure IFR required instruments are not beyond their error limits. [...]

Heading, Course, Bearing, Magnetic, True

By |2020-04-14T22:09:07-05:00October 7th, 2017|Cheat Sheets, Flight Preparation, General Aviation, Weather|

Here is a cheat sheet showing the difference between true course, headings, & bearings along with a list of what is described in magnetic verses true, and statute miles (SM) verses nautical miles (NM). I laid it out in Word in 2 columns so when it is printed, you [...]

About Blonds in Aviation

This website’s purpose is to bring together women & men, new pilots & seasoned ones for the purpose of sharing resources and information about aviation.

About Meira Leonard

Meira Leonard received her Private Pilots license in July of 2017 from Galt Airport outside of Chicago & currently lives in Honolulu, where she runs a web design company. She recently completed her single & multi-engine commercial checkrides in Hawaii and holds an instrument rating.

Please check out if you are interested in Meira’s web design and marketing services.

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